Top 9 Effective Home Remedies for Cough in Kids: Natural Solutions That Work

When your child wakes up with a persistent cough, it can be a worrying experience for any parent. While over-the-counter medications are readily available, many prefer to explore natural remedies first. Here, we discuss about some effective home remedies for cough in kids that have stood the test of time.

Home Remedies for Cough

Coughing is a common reflex that helps clear the airways of irritants and mucus. In children, coughs can be caused by various factors such as colds, allergies, sinus infections, or even asthma. While most coughs are self-limiting and resolve on their own, soothing remedies can alleviate discomfort and promote faster recovery.

1. Honey and Lemon

honey : home remedies for cough

Honey could be effective at reducing the symptoms of acute coughs due to upper respiratory tract infections (infections of the airways), including how often people coughed and how bad their cough was. The guidance applies to adults and children over 5 years of age. It’s important to note that honey is not safe for children under the age of 1.

Take 2 teaspoons of honey with herbal tea or warm water and lemon. The honey does the soothing, while the lemon juice can help with congestion. You can also simply eat the honey by the spoonful or spread it on bread for a snack.

2. Ginger

Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. You can make a ginger tea by boiling a few slices of fresh ginger root in water for 10 minutes. Add honey for sweetness and allow it to cool slightly before giving it to your child.

3. Ocimum Sanctum Or Tulsi

Tulsi increases immunity and energy in our body.
The antiseptic and analgesic properties in tulsi helps relieve dry cough. Eat 5 tulsi leaves in the morning or take it as tea.

4. Justicia Adhatoda Or Vasaka

It is an effective herb in the management of respiratory congestion like cough, bronchitis, asthma, etc. The medicinal herb expands the airways and provides great relief to the bronchitis patients. It is a well known Ayurvedic medicine for expectorant and helps to ease out the phlegm.

5. Take adequate amount of fluid

Staying hydrated is key when you’re down with dry cough,congestion,runny nose and sneezing.Warm fluid alleviate even more symptoms, including a sore throat, chills, and fatigue.

6. Turmeric milk

turmeric milk : homo remedies for cough

Turmeric has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which help in treating infections.The mixture of turmeric and hot milk can brings relief in throat infections and dry cough.

7. Marshmallow

The leaves and roots of the herb have been used to treat sore throats and suppress coughs.The marshmallow herb contains mucilage, which coats the throat and soothes irritation. Add hot water to marshmallow and then drink it immediately or allow it to cool first. The longer the marshmallow root steeps in the water, the more mucilage will be in the drink.

8. Bromelain

Bromelain is an enzyme which is found in stem and fruit of pineapple. It has anti-inflammatory properties and may also have mucolytic properties.That means that it can break down mucus and remove it from the body.
Eat a slice of pineapple or drink 3.5 ounces of fresh pineapple juice three times a day.

9. Salt-water gargle

Salt and water gargle can help soothe a scratchy throat that causes you to cough.It reduces phlegm and mucus in the back of the throat which can lessen the need to cough.Mixing 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of warm water can help to relieve irritation.
Avoid giving salt water to younger children as they may not be able to gargle properly, and swallowing salt water can be harmful.

Tips to prevent cough and cold

It is not always possible to avoid getting a cough, but few tips can reduce the risk.

  1. Maintain a safe distance from the people who have flu or cough.
  2. Always wash your hands with soap and warm water to remove bacteria and viruses from the skin.
  3. Take supplements such zinc, vitamin C, and Probiotics during cold and flu season to increase immunity of you body and keep illness away from you and your family.
  4. Reduce allergy flare-ups by avoiding triggers such as pollen, dust mites, animal dander, and mold.


Natural home remedies for cough in kids offer gentle yet effective ways to alleviate discomfort and promote healing. By incorporating these remedies into your child’s routine, you can provide comfort and relief without resorting to over-the-counter medications. Remember, every child is unique, so it may take some experimentation to find which remedy works best. With patience and care, you can help your child feel better and get back to their playful selves sooner rather than later.

Incorporating these natural remedies not only treats the symptoms but also nurtures a sense of security and well-being for both you and your child during times of illness. By choosing natural solutions, you empower yourself as a parent to provide loving care while respecting your child’s developing immune system.

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